Special-Lite’s Statement on COVID‑19

In response to the recent and ongoing developments of the COVID-19 outbreak, we want to provide an update on our business continuity plan. We fully recognize the disruption and ongoing potential risks to commercial and supply chain activities. With that being said, Special-Lite is doing its part to support the CDC recommendations to prevent the spread of the virus and to protect our employees, customers, and community. 

We are committed to keeping you informed as the conditions change and want to take this opportunity to advise you on the actions we have taken so far. 

  • In support of the social distancing guidance by the CDC, we have reduced the occupancy of our facilities and are transitioning most office staff to remote working arrangements. 
  • Any employees exhibiting the slightest flu-like symptoms are asked to self-quarantine and visit their doctor before returning to work.
  • We have offered employees additional sick days in the event they become infected with COVID-19 or have to care for someone who is, are quarantined, or have a child whose school is closed due to COVID-19.
  • In addition, ALL meetings are now being conducted virtually.  
  • All non-essential travel has been cancelled and we are leveraging technology to stay in touch with you.
  • All customer visits to our facilities have been cancelled until further notice.
  • Our Special-Lite family has a heightened sense of awareness for personal hygiene and preventative handwashing in guarding against the transference of this virus amongst team members. In addition, daily facility cleanings have been given an increased emphasis on common surfaces.
  • We have asked our vendors to share with us their COVID-19 preparedness, prevention, and business continuity plans.
  • We are continuing to interview for manufacturing positions with the anticipation there will be added demand for production on the other side of the pandemic. 
  • As we complete our efforts to increase the number of employees working remotely, the best way to contact departments and employees will be to reach them directly or via email at: special-lite.com

We appreciate your continued support and partnership. The safety and welfare of all our employees, customers and stakeholders is of the utmost importance to our owners and leadership team.

Thank you for your understanding and please stay safe!

Steve Benscoter
President & COO, Special-Lite, Inc.

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