SecureLite Product Overview and Installation
In today’s security-minded world, we often find ourselves torn between the need to protect ourselves and feel comfortable in our surroundings. These two needs often meet at the entrance or entry door.
Here, obvious security measures and door styles can act as defensive barricades. But we also want to enjoy nature and sunshine with plenty of light. This is where SecureLite comes into play. When paired with security glazing, SecureLite offers protection while still allowing for spectacular views.
SecureLite is available in a variety of standard satin colors, in addition to high gloss custom color options. You will always find the finish that compliments your entrance system or design needs.
We have prepared a short video explaining these and related product features AND providing a field demonstration of an intrusion attempt. You have to see SecureLite in action. Watch the 2-minute video below.
Installation of SecureLite is straightforward, and to make the job even simpler, we have created easy-to-follow instructions. Here is a link to download a PDF of those instructions.
So, when you want protection while still enjoying the light and views of the outdoors, choose SecureLite.